Friday, May 25, 2007

The Orphans of Ukraine

For the past year and a half, these beautiful young ladies have been known to us as "the girls." It's overwhelming when I think that in a matter of days, they will be my daughters. Anastasia and Galyna have spent most of their lives in that building behind them. When they touch down at Kennedy Airport sometime in July, they will automatically become American citizens!

If all goes well, that will happen sometime in early July. We will be spending Monday through Wednesday in Kyiv (The US State Department has officially changed the spelling from the Russian "Kiev" to the Ukrainian "Kyiv" -- just another exuse to make Putin mad!).

This will likely be our last post before we arrive in Odessa on Thursday, where we'll have high-speed internet at our apartment. Meanwhile please take a look at this brief video to learn more about the plight of Ukrainian orphans.


Leslie said...

Praying, praying, praying for you. Blessings on your journey. Please hug our Kristina and tell her Mama and Papa will come for her soon.

Unknown said...

Dana Poo & Jim, I'm thinking about you all and praying for a smooth transition...We are definitely having that pool party this summer!!! Love you guys!

Maggie said...

Its finally your time to go!
Many blessings on this sacred journey to bring your girls home!
We are all sending prayers for your safe & happy trip, knowing God is guiding you. I can see the girls greeting you with their beautiful smiles:)

Maggie & family

Rob L said...

Hi Dana and Jim: We were very excited to get your email about the trip. We will pray for a quick and successsful return to the USA for your whole family.

Rob and Peggy

Beth said...

HI Guys!

I am praying lots for you! Remember the Lord is for YOU and your family!!!


Jim H. said...

Dear friends -- thanks so much for all your comments. It helps alot to know how much love and support we have.

As we learned nearly five years ago when we adopted Christian, there's nothing like the international adoption experience!

Leslie -- what is Kristina's name? I want to make sure I tell her personally that her Mama and Papa love her.