Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Amazing Fumias

For the longest time, she was just "Ashley" who always left uplifting comments on our blog. Aside from knowing that she is in the process of adopting a fine young man I had met in Odessa, I figured she was another adoptive parent who was pretty much like me.

Oh my, was I wrong! It is such a privilege to learn about the lives of other adoptive families and I just read about the remarkable Fumia family of Mississippi. Ashley and her husband J.C. are in the process of raising money for their adoption. You must go and read the entire post on Ashley's blog, but here's an excerpt:

I first would like to tell you how God has blessed us. He has blessed us in so many ways, but I'd like to tell you about this one. As most of you know, we like to live off the land. We grow our vegetables and hunt for our meat. For the non-hunters out there you may not appreciate this but for those of you that are, you will certainly know where we are coming from. This is our source of food and how we live. We do not hunt for sport. It is strictly to feed our family.

How we honor God with our lifestyle is a question I've been wrestling with lately, and I am grateful to the Fumias for their awesome demonstration of simple, abundant living. As Dana and I consider making some radical changes, the Fumias inspire. We can't all go out and hunt for our own food, but I think all of us have much to learn from this family.

In fact, the rest of the country could stand to learn alot from Mississippians in general. Yep, the poorest state in the nation is also the most giving of all states when it comes to per-capita charitable donations! (In case you were wondering, the wealthy New England states are the worst....hmmm).

Hooray for Grisha, that he will live in the great state of Mississippi and be part of a family that brings great glory to God!


Jeremy Ruch said...

Wow! This is awesome! Praise the Lord ! Thanks for the post, Jim. How is the reading coming? I'm traveling to Bulgaria this summer for a missions trip which I am very much looking forward to! Maybe one day soon I can make it to Ukraine...

junglemama said...

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. And a special thanks to sharing more about the Fumias. Ashley is terrific as we have spoken on the phone a couple of times and I have helped her with some of her paperwork. She is terrific! Can I add you to my blogroll? Later today, I want to go back through your blog and be refreshed with your story. I've skimmed through so many that I can't keep them all straight. :)

Ashley said...

Oh, Jim! I am blown away! Believe me, we are not "amazing!" I feel kinda shy being recognized, but thank you. I checked your blog late last night and I just sat with my hands covering my face and just cried. YOUR FAMILY is an inspiration to us!

It is true that MS got #1 in all the country of the highest in giving and I believe it was NH that got the last (the richest state). We are the poorest state in the nation, but this is definitely the hospitality state. I am proud to call MS my home. It has gotten a bad rap for its past, but I wish people could see how it really is here. I think I may post about MS. First, I want to take some pictures around here to show people. Thank you for recognizing our family and our home.

Kim S in SC said...

I found your blog from a comment on the Fumias site. I agree...what an amazing story. And even more,what an amazing God! Praying for your family as you examine further adoptions. I am the adopted daughter and I tell this anytime I can, thank you for seeking those without parents. What a great blessing it is to know you are sought after! Pursued with passion and love! A big thank you from the grown up heart of an adoptee!

Annie said...

How inspiring. I will check out there blog, as I am feeling choked right now by the complications of a life that should be simpler.