Thursday, January 10, 2008

Rats Rule!

"The cat will lie down with the rat."
Isaiah 65:25 (my paraphrase)

After being disparaged on Leslie's blog, :) I felt obliged to come to the defense of the rats. They are awesome pets! Admittedly, I felt much the same as Leslie and probably most everyone, but as we considered granting Galyna's wish for a small pet, we kept hearing the same thing over and over from people at the pet stores: Rats are the best. As you can see in this shot, everything about these amazing creatures come as huge surprise. Our cats are actually afraid of them!
Aren't they lovely? Their home is a cage of course, but they run around Galyna's room all the time and are very playful and fun. Why are rats the best? For starters, they are highly intelligent, and it doesn't take long to appreciate this. The rat propaganda even says they can learn tricks and obey commands. We haven't gotten that far, but I can say that Ashley and Gabriella have distinctive personalites, and they do seem to recognize you - I'm not kidding! I've never seen a child who loves animals as much as Galyna. Of course she wants a dog (and a horse!), but the rats have been a great learning experience, as she has responsibility to feed them and clean their cage regularly. The rats have been great practice for Galyna and Christian, who has announced that he would like his own pair!

When I asked Galyna a few days ago why Gabriella was not allowed out of her cage, she said, "Gabriella has conz-a-quence" - something Galyna is quite familiar with!

Just look at that adorable face! Now Leslie, don't you feel bad? Oh, I forgot to mention, the best part is that rats don't stink nearly as bad as hamsters or gerbils. If you clean the cage once a week, you don't smell em at all.


Leslie G said...

thanks for the post about MS!
As a Mississippian, I so often feel misjudged because of my accent or just because of where I am from. The stereotypes are hard to live down. We have lived in other states, and even in the North, because of my husband's job. We were excited to be able to return here 3 years ago...and don't plan on leaving again!
Leslie....not to be confused with the other Leslie :-) that posts on here.

adoptedthree said...

My sister had a wonderful rat that was a lot of fun! It did these really cool rat tricks too. Who knew!

Ashley said...

Hey, Leslie - you know the other Leslie is from MS, too?? The one that adopted Kristina? They currently live in FL. That is too cool that you are in MS, also. I also have lived in other places (in the north and west) and I love being home. I also feel the exact same way about everything you ditto!

Okay, this post about rats is so funny to me! The thing I am always scared about rats is that they may bite. But, it looks like they are friendly in the pictures. It's also funny that the cats are scared of them. I love how Galyna loves sweet! We have lots of friends who have horses and she can come ride them anytime!

Leslie said...

You know what stinks even less than rats? No rats! The only cute thing in this post was the beautiful Galyna. Ugh! It just makes me ill to think about them crawling on me!

Nataliya said...

Hmm... Maybe I'll change my opinion about rats because Galyna's rats are really cute :)


Que a felicidade ande por aĆ­.

junglemama said...

Too funny! Out of curiosity, why does Gabriella have consequences? :)

Jim H. said...

Christine -- Gabriella does tend to bit on occasion and Galyna said she nibbled a bit harder than usual on one occasion...but she's never broken the skin!

Jamie Taggart said...

I agree with that Leslie person.
NO RATS are the way to go. I have a horrible fear of rats and had dreams or should I say NIGHTMARES about rats nibling off my face. If Galyna is happy than that is all that matters. Hey, I have a great idea you should get Christian a SNAKE.
Love ya,

Jim H. said...

Funny you mention that Jamie...we've been having snake discussions alot lately!

Anonymous said...

Our daughter is also "Galya" and adopted from Russia!